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What Does the Experts Say About the Coronavirus Thriving in Pool Water?

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Water is crucial to the existence of life on the planet, it is especially very important to us  humans. We drink water, clean our bodies using water to bathe, cook our food with it, and so much more. Simply put, our very life depends on it. 

For recreational and relaxation purposes, we swim in a pool of water, too. 

As a matter of fact, 60% of the human body is composed of water. Therefore, it is safe to say that we are practically living in it.  When you turn on the tap for a glass of water, do you wonder also if the novel coronavirus that led to the COVID-19 pandemic could thrive in it also.  

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) unanimously declared that, at the moment, there is no strong evidence that will suggest that the coronavirus can spread to people via water. Thus, there is no reason to fret about the safety and security of the public water supply.  

swimming pool athletes

It is a different story though when it comes to aquatic recreational centers like water parks and playgrounds as well as community swimming pools.  The million dollar question we have here is, can the coronavirus thrive in pool water? Can it spread to people through water? 

A Community Swimming Pool is Safe 

(Provided It Is Well Maintained and Properly Disinfected)

During the warm, sunny months of summer it is a bit of a wonder to many if the COVID-19 is going to have an adverse impact on the pool season.  

The office of the CDC made a public statement that it is highly unlikely for the new coronavirus to survive in a public pool, provided that the water entertainment facility is properly maintained and highly sanitized. This includes checking out and making proper adjustments to the pool water’s chlorine and pH levels on a regular basis. 

In addition, they also hinted that there are no indications or solid evidence that show that the COVID-19 can spread to people via pool water or hot tub. So this goes to show that it is safe to go to community pools, so long as they are properly maintained and well sanitized. But if you have the luxury of space in your backyard, we’d encourage you to consider looking for a swim spa for sale instead.  

Installing your own hot tub with Australian spa parts is a much better alternative than going out to an aquatic spa center.

As the national and global economy gradually opens its doors again soon,  community swimming pools and aquatic recreational centers will be teeming with people again. 

Observing Safety Measures While At Lakes, Beaches, and Rivers

Unlike water recreational parks and community pools, rivers, lakes, and oceans – these  natural bodies of water are not treated or disinfected to exterminate whatever microbial life forms may be harboring in them. However, the natural course of movement for these bodies of water, as well as the sheer size they are in, actually will make up for that. 

The larger the size of the body of water, the higher the odds that the novel coronavirus contamination will quickly get diluted to that level in which infecting people will not likely occur. Besides, running water and waves will also significantly disperse whatever kind of viral or microbial contamination that may exist. 

When trying to restrict the spread of COVID-19, we will see a much larger concern at a lake, beach, or river, and that is the increased possibility that a person-to-person infection will occur when throngs of people begin to form. 

If you should ever go to open air bodies of water like rivers, lakes or beaches, it is vital that you still observe social distancing from everyone. Otherwise you are putting yourself in harm’s way of getting infected with the coronavirus, not through the body of the water itself but by person-to-person infection.

What Does the Experts Say About the Coronavirus Thriving in Pool Water? Read More »